Optimization of Release Notes in the ADAM Suite: A Functionality-Centered Evolution

The ADAM software suite announces an update to the release notes. This evolution offers better traceability of features and corrections, clarity on version support, and optimized navigation thanks to an advanced search system. The technical information has been moved to the installation guide and technical documentation for increased readability. This approach will be deployed uniformly across all components of the ADAM Suite.

Dear users,


We are thrilled to announce a major evolution in the way we manage our Release Notes. This transformation is part of our commitment to enhance your experience and effectively meet your documentation needs.


1.  Centralization of information for a global view

Say goodbye to multiple Release Notes for each update and bugfixes. From now on, a major version benefits from a single Release Note which is updated with each minor version. Whether you consult version 5.6.0 or 5.6.2, you will be greeted by the same note. This centralization offers you an overview of the new features and the evolution of bug corrections.



2.  Total transparency on version support

Knowing the lifespan and support of a version is essential for planning your deployments. That's why we have made this information accessible by displaying the support dates for each version.



3.  Intuitive navigation with Search and Filtering

Navigating through the Release Notes has never been simpler. Thanks to our advanced search and filtering system, quickly access relevant information, without having to browse through long pages.



4. Improved readability by distinguishing the Release Note and the Changelog

The distinction between a Release Note and a Changelog is crucial. The Release Note focuses on the new features, improvements, and corrections made to a specific version to inform and guide users. The Changelog, on the other hand, offers a detailed technical history of the changes made to the source code over time.

With this update, we have taken measures to clarify this distinction in the ADAM software suite:

  • Release Note focused on Functionality: We have redesigned our Release Notes to be focused on functional aspects. They highlight the new features, improvements, and bug corrections of each version. Their goal is to provide users with a clear and concise overview of the updates, without overwhelming them with technical details.


  • Changelog for Technical Details: The technical information, previously partially integrated into the Release Notes, has been moved to the Changelog. It offers a detailed tracking of technical changes. It is mainly aimed at developers, testers, and anyone wishing to have a deep understanding of technical changes.


5. The same approach for the entire ADAM Suite

This evolution of Release Notes management will be deployed across the entire ADAM software suite, ensuring uniformity and clarity in all our documentation.



In conclusion, this overhaul of the Release Notes reflects our desire to provide you with quality documentation, aligned with the current standards of software development.

You will find:

  • Release Notes:
    • on the support site, under the "documentation" section
  • Changelog:
    • In the deliverables, under the "installation guide" section
    • On the support site, under the "documentation" section

We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions.
Your feedback is essential for us, as it helps us to continue innovating and improving our software products.


Warm regards,


The ADAM team.